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Wonders of the Pitcairn Islands
Pitcairn islands (British overseas territory under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom) are the most remote inhabited islands in the world. These small islands offer several interesting landmarks.
Map with the described wonders
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Top wonders of the Pitcairn Islands
Geological wonders
Blowhole in Henderson Island
Powerful blowhole 100 m from the coast.
Natural arches in Henderson Island
Sea waves and karst processes have formed numerous natural arches, one rises 24 m above the sea.
Christian’s Cave
Large grotto. The leader of the mutiny on “Bounty” – Fletcher Christian – spent many hours sitting in this cave and looking into the sea.
Submarine springs of Henderson Island
The only source of fresh water on the island. These springs are available only at low tide at certain periods. One of these springs helped to survive the team of the whaling ship Essex in 1821.
Biological wonders
Ecosystem of Henderson Island
The only forested atoll with an intact ecosystem in the world. Endemic species – 9 species of plants and all 4 species of land birds. Numerous invertebrates are endemic, although they are poorly researched. The island is not walkable – it is covered with thicket and rugged limestone peaks.
Archaeological wonders
Petroglyphs at Down Rope
Petroglyphs on coastal cliffs that were made by Polynesians who lived in Pitcairn until the 15th century.
Cave of Skeletons
Cave where in 1958 were found six skeletons of Polynesians – including remains of women and child.
Recommended books
Atlas of Remote Islands: Fifty Islands I Have Never Set Foot On and Never Will
There are still places on earth that are unknown. Visually stunning and uniquely designed, this wondrous book captures fifty islands that are far away in every sense-from the mainland, from people, from airports, and from holiday brochures. Author Judith Schalansky used historic events and scientific reports as a springboard for each island, providing information on its distance from the mainland, whether it is inhabited, its features, and the stories that have shaped its lore.
To Pitcairn Island, (and back again).
The adventure was one thing, going to far-flung places for art’s sake another, drawing on Fletcher Christian another. Art was the under-tow and main driver for the trip to Pitcairn Island, one of the remotest Islands on earth. This resulted in the creation of the ground-breaking image of Fletcher Christian – in 1994 a world first. Once there, I knew beyond doubt that I would create a drawing of the infamous 18th Century mutineer, Fletcher Christian. An accompanying sister book,‘ To Pitcairn Island, (and Back Again)’, is available and focuses on the trip to Fletcher Christian’s 18th-century hideaway island, Pitcairn, whereas this book is about drawing on a human figure and specifically the romantic anti-hero, Fletcher Christian.