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Wonders of Liberia

Liberia is not a common tourist destination and its wonders are little known. The country has been ravaged by fierce civil wars in the recent past and is slowly recovering from these dark times. It has not been too rich in man-made heritage and part of it has been lost during the wars. The country has several impressive waterfalls and ecosystems of tropical forests and highland meadows (Mount Nimba).
Map with the described wonders
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Top 7 wonders of Liberia
Geological wonders
Wongan Waterfall
A spectacular waterfall on St. John River, approximately 10 – 12 m tall but some 450 m wide, with islands in middle. Some 1.5 km upstreams is one more waterfall with two cascades.
Kpatawee Falls (Kpatawe Falls)
Picturesque waterfall with three groups of cascades.
Biological wonders
Mount Nimba
Nimba (and also neighboring countries – Guinea and Côte d’Ivoire)
Up to 1,752 m high chain of mountains with a high number of endemic species of plants and animals, such as Nimba otter shrew (Micropotamogale lamottei), Western Nimba toad (Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis) – viviparous toad. The summit of the mountain is covered with grassland but slopes – with tropical forest. Here lives also a group of chimpanzees capable to use stones as tools. Mountain for the most part consists of high-grade iron ore.

Archaeological wonders
Stone circle in Gipo
Small stone circle – mysterious stone setting. There is little known about prehistory in Liberia.

Architecture wonders
Kpaiyea defensive walls
Remnants of massive fortification walls that were constructed from mud bricks.

Grand Masonic Temple, Monrovia
The Masonic Lodge of Monrovia has been the most influential society in the country. This enormous structure – the site of their gatherings – was built in the 1890ies. It heavily suffered during the civil war in 1989 – 1997 but in 2018 was renovated.

Recommended books
Liberia: The Land, Its People, History and Culture
This work is a general introduction to Liberia. It is comprehensive in scope covering a wide range of subjects from a historical and contemporary perspective. It is intended for members of the general public. But some members of the academic community may also find this work to be useful in their fields. Subjects covered include an overview of the country and its geography including all the regions – known as counties – and the different ethnic groups who live there.
Monrovia Mon Amour: A Visit to Liberia
As Charles Taylor begins a 50-year sentence for his role in the brutal civil war in Liberia, Theodore Dalrymple’s memoir of a visit to the country, and its capital Monrovia, makes fascinating reading.
Founded in 1822 as a refuge for freed African slaves from America, Liberia is a curiosity that became a catastrophe.