Wondermondo 🢖 World 🢖 Wonders of Australia and Oceania 🢖 Wonders of Polynesia 🢖 Wonders of Howland Island
Wonders of Howland Island

This uninhabited atoll is a possession of the United States. This elongated island is 1.8 km² large and is low lying – up to 6 m above the sea level, without fresh water and with scarce vegetation of grasses, low lying shrubs and trees.
The island is used by numerous sea birds and marine wildlife, it is a protected area. Two marine molluscs – a snail Engina ovata and shell Neothais rugulosa – are found only here.
The island contains scarce remnants of prehistoric settlement by ancient Melanesians and Polynesians – it might have been inhabited already around 1000 BC. Due to the lack of freshwater and scarce natural resources, the settlement was abandoned.
One more settlement – Itascatown – was developed by Americans in 1935 and abandoned in 1942.
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Top wonders of Howland Island
Architecture wonders
Earhart Light
This daytime beacon was built to provide an orientation of the unlucky flight of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan in their round-the-world flight in 1937. Their plane did not reach the island. The beacon was renewed after World War II but is abandoned now and in a ruinous state.

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