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Wonders of Guam

Guam, sunset
Guam, sunset / Takuya Asada, / CC BY 2.0

WorldBlue  Highlights

Guam – the largest island in Micronesia – is the island territory of the United States. The landscape of this island has been modified to a large extent by US military bases and multiple settlements but nonetheless, there have been preserved interesting natural and archaeological landmarks.

The most amazing wonders of Guam are:

  • Caves with petroglyphs and cliff paintings. Petroglyphs of Guam might seem not too spectacular but some of them are truly interesting and mysterious.
  • Karst features. Island has a very high number of caves, sinkholes, and powerful springs.
  • Latte stone sites. Here and there in the jungle still are found mysterious megalithic structures of Chamorro people – latte stones.

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WorldViolet Top 25 wonders of Guam

Geological wonders

Puntan Hugua Humaguiya (Puntan Dos Amantes, Two Lover’s Point)


Puntan Hugua Humaguiya - Two Lover's Point in Guam
Puntan Hugua Humaguiya – Two Lover’s Point / Aaron Headly, / CC BY 2.0
Sigua Falls

A beautiful, impressive waterfall.

Talofofo Falls

9 m tall, fine waterfall on Ugum River.

Talofofo Falls, Guam
Talofofo Falls / bmarmie, / CC BY 2.0
Cetti Falls

A beautiful set of 7 waterfalls.

Tarague natural wells

A group of eight sinkholes with vertical walls. Sinkholes are up to 20 m deep, reaching up to 12 m below the sea level.

Matt’s Cave

Large submarine cave, explored length – 200 m, going up to 65 m deep below the sea level.

Rock of Fu’una in Fouha Bay

45 m tall rock spire. Site of legends – according to Chamorran stories here is the resting place of goddess Fu’una – creator of the world.

Tarzan Falls

A waterfall with five steps, the lower one is 12 m tall. It is located in a beautiful jungle setting.

No Can Fracture

A very narrow canyon. At the base of this canyon is water – freshwater above and saltwater below.

Yokoi’s Cave

A cave where from 1944 to 1972 hid Japanese soldier Shoichi Yokoi.

Piggy Cave

A 120 m long cave with pools and waterfalls.

Natural Arch Spring

A collapsed cave with a large natural arch at the sea. Powerful spring flows in the ocean.

Coconut Crab Cave spring

A powerful spring, discharging 225 l of fresh water per second into the ocean. Located at sea level.

Janum Spring

A powerful spring, discharging directly into the ocean. It contains high-quality water that after heavy rain might become reddish.

Amantes Pit Cave

A narrow, 6 m wide, and 45 m deep pit – a hole in the otherwise flat meadow.

Biological wonders

Limestone forest (Guam)

Last remnants of the original tropical forest of Guam. Contains many rare and endemic species of plants.

Serianthes nelsonii tree in Ritidian Point

The only mature specimen of this species of tree in Guam.

Archaeological wonders

Latte Stone Park, Guam

Archaeological park, where eight latte stones are displayed, transferred here from other parts of Guam. Latte stones are prehistoric megalithic structures – large, erect stones with a rounded capstone on them. The rounded capstone has a flat top. It is speculated that latte stones formed the foundation of houses. There are some 270 sites with latte stones in Guam.

Megaliths in Latte Stone Park, Guam
Megaliths in Latte Stone Park / Hajime Nakano, / CC BY 2.0
Ritidian burial caves and Starcave complex

Cave with amazing petroglyphs from sometimes around 1000 AD. Some authors consider that one of them depicts the constellation of Orion and other – stars.

Talofofo Caves

A system of six caves with prehistoric petroglyphs. One of the caves has a natural arch – Talofofo’s Kissing Rock. Many petroglyphs show stars in the sky and may have served to memorize the stars for orientation during the sea voyages.

Gadao’s Cave

A cave named after a legendary chief Gadao, contains some 50 prehistoric petroglyphs and white cliff paintings. These petroglyphs represent human drawings, and diverse undeciphered symbols, one drawing shows a fish.

Talagi Cave

A cave with petroglyphs near the site of a prehistoric village. 13 petroglyphs are visible now, and most of them show people.

Urunao beach latte stones

A group of megalithic structures – latte stones in their original setting. This is the site of an ancient village with wells.

Architecture wonders

Gef Pa’go cultural village

An ethnographical village that illustrates the material culture of the Chamorro people.

Tailafak Bridge (Taleyfac Bridge)

An old Spanish-built bridge, constructed in 1785.

WorldYellow Recommended books

Destiny’s Landfall: A History of Guam, Revised Edition

This revised edition of the standard history of Guam is intended for general readers and students of the history, politics, and government of the Pacific region. Its narrative spans more than 450 years, beginning with the initial written records of Guam by members of the Magellan 1521 expedition and concluding with the impact of the recent global recession on Guam’s fragile economy.

Gallivanting on Guam

Gallivanting on Guam is a humorous and entertaining narrative of a man who moves to Guam to become the general manager of Tropics Gym. Immersing himself into the local culture he succumbs to a lifestyle of philandering and learns to balance his troubles with humor and personal growth while working for a corrupt businessman from a wealthy family.

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