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Wonders of Cote d’Ivoire

Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro
Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro / jbdodane, / CC BY 2.0

WorldBlue  Highlights

This extensive country most certainly has many more interesting landmarks than listed here.

The most amazing wonders of Cote d’Ivoire are several very interesting mosques in Sudano-Sahelian style, the largest church building in the world and the rich natural heritage.

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WorldViolet Top 14 wonders of Cote d’Ivoire

Geological wonders



Interesting rock formations such as natural standing stones etc. Local people have given names to stones, here are found remnants of Neolithic and later settlements. Site contains prehistoric rock art.

Boundiali volcanic plug


Enormous, dark grey volcanic plugs that rise several hundred meters over the town of Boundiali.

La Dent de Man

Dix-Huit Montagnes

Enormous hoodoo, rising tall above the nearby town of Man. Some local societies consider this to be a sacred place.

Cascade in Man

Dix-Huit Montagnes

Cascading, tall waterfall that falls over a layered rock.

Cascade in Man
Cascade in Man. / Erik Cleves Kristensen, Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 2.0

Biological wonders

Mount Nimba

Dix-Huit Montagnes, also in Guinea and Liberia

Up to 1,752 m high chain of mountains with a high number of endemic species of plants and animals, such as Nimba otter shrew (Micropotamogale lamottei), Western Nimba toad (Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis) – viviparous toad. The summit of the mountain is covered with grassland but slopes – with tropical forest. Here lives also a group of chimpanzees capable to use stones as tools. Mountain for the most part consists of high-grade iron ore.

Landscape in Mount Nimba, Guinea
Landscape in Mount Nimba / Chad K, / public domain

Architecture wonders

Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro


The largest church in the world, one of the newest basilicas, constructed in 1989, 158 meters high.

Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro
Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro / Willy Stephane Awaho, / CC BY 2.0


Former French colonial capital, once an important seaport. A typical colonial city of the late 19th – early 20th century. For the most part, abandoned – thus the ornate colonial buildings have been preserved without much change.

Grand Bassam
Grand Bassam. / Joker-x, Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0
Samatiguila Mosque


The oldest mosque in the country. It is estimated to be approximately 1,000 years old. It has been built in Malinke style.

Tengrela Mosque


A beautiful mosque, built in 1655 and repaired once every 10 years by the same family throughout the centuries.

Kong Mosques


Two mosques – all that remains of the group of mosques built in Kong in the 17th – 18th centuries. The smallest mosque is the oldest one, it is not used anymore. The largest was rebuilt in the early 20th century and now is in use.

Mosque in Kong, Côte d'Ivoire
Mosque in Kong / Ivoire8, Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0
Kaouara Mosque


An interesting mosque, built in Sudano-Sahelian style in the 17th century.

Nambira Mosque


A small, beautiful mosque that was built in the 18th century.

M’Bengué Mosque


A comparatively new mosque that is covered with tiles, constructed in 1943. Five towers.

Kouto Mosque


A small mosque, built in the 17th century.

WorldYellow Recommended books

Cote D’Ivoire, Cultures of the World, Second

Diversity is the spice of life, and the highly regarded Cultures of the World series celebrates just that in fully updated, and expanded editions. As has always been true of these outstanding titles, an abundance of vibrant photographs – including those new to this edition — stimulate the imaginations of young readers as they travel the globe.

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