Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Restoration works of Jesus tomb in Aedicule in 2021

The most important Christian shrine in the place, where, reportedly, Jesus was crucified and buried. Built in 333 AD, the current building was constructed in 1048 AD.

Schenklengsfeld Lime

Schenklengsfeld Lime

Very old lime tree (Tilia platyphyllos). Its trunk has divided into four separate parts that have a total circumference of 17.8 m.

Uralteiche in Ivenack

Uralteiche - the largest oak tree in Ivenack

An enormous oak, the largest tree by volume in Germany with a circumference of 11.7 m at the height of 1.3 m.

Abavas Rumba

Abavas Rumba, June 2008

The second widest waterfall in Latvia. It is 30-35 m wide but only 1 m high.

Llanerfyl Yew

St. Erfyl's Church and Llanerfyl Yew

An ancient, legendary yew tree with four divided trunks. Circumference around all trunks is 10.67 m.

Mingouli Falls

Series of very impressive, powerful falls on the Ivindo River. The total height of all steps is 43 meters.