Petroglyphs in Cheonjeon-ri

A sacred site throughout millenia. Groups of rock art, engraved in the cliffs along Daegokcheon Stream. Most petroglyphs were made in the late Neolithic – Bronze Ages, but also the intellectuals of Joseon Period (the 14th – 20th century) have left engravings here.
Gold Crown Tomb (Geumgwanchong)

One of the Royal tombs of Gyeongju – large tumulus that was built in the 5th or 6th century AD. This tomb was very rich with treasures including very ornate golden crowns of Silla Kings. More than 40,000 artifacts have been recovered from this tomb – mostly jewelry and other precious items.
Gimhae tumuli (Daeseong-dong tumuli)

Necropolis of the kings and noblemen of Gaya state. Site contains diverse burials, most were made in the late 3rd – early 5th century AD.
Donggureung Royal Tombs

The most impressive royal tombs of Joseon Dynasty. This group consists of nine tombs where 7 kings and 10 queens have been buried in the 15th – 19th century. In Geonwolleung tomb has been buried King Taejo – the first king in this dynasty.

One of the Royal tombs of Gyeongju – large tumulus that was built in the 5th or 6th century AD. This 12.7 m tall artificial hill has a wood-lined passage in it. 11,500 artifacts have been recovered from this tomb. The tomb contained an interesting drawing of so-called "Korean Pegasus" – a horse with eight legs.
Hwasun Dolmens

Group of diverse dolmens and other megaliths, in total – 596. Created around the 6th – 5th centuries BC.
Bugeun-ri Dolmens

Large group of 34 megaliths – dolmens on Ganghwa Island. The largest one is a table-type dolmen with a stone plate that weighs 150 – 225 tons.
Mount Hallasan nutmeg grove (Bijarim Forest)

The only grove of Torreya nucifera trees – beautiful conifers, mostly old and large trees. Here grow many rare and endemic plants. Here is located also the oldest nutmeg tree, more than 800 years old.

Sea promontory that is formed from thousands of interlocking basalt columns.
Uhang-ri dinosaur footprints
Oldest footprints of webbed-feet birds and archaeopteryx in the world among other footprints left by dinosaurs.