Mitchell Falls

Waterfall with 4 cascades. Total height – some 60 – 80 m. Remote, beautiful waterfall in a harsh landscape.
Kings Cascade

Some 50 m tall waterfall with many steps. Formed by Cascade Creek, falling into gorge of Prince Regent River.
Tunnel Creek

Approximately 750 m long cave – a tunnel with a stream running through it. This is a very old cave system, approximately 20 million years old. Amazing speleothems, aboriginal drawings. Freshwater crocodiles have been seen in the cave.
Old Homestead Cave
Some 34 km long cave system with numerous passages in four levels, rich with stalactites and other cave formations.
Coclebiddy Cave
6.1 km long and up to 90 m deep underwater cave, one of the most impressive in this part of the world.
Abracurrie Cave
Possibly the largest single cave chamber in the southern hemisphere, with a volume of some 150 thousand cubic meters. Contains Aboriginal stencils – the deepest native cave art in Australia.
Walga Rock

Cave with extensive cliff art galleries. Here is also a drawing of an European sailing ship (contact art), most likely from the late 19th century. Such contact art is met in several locations of Australia. Other drawings are much older.
Balancing rock of Castle Rock

Enormous, some 186 tonnes heavy stone on the mountaintop, resting on its narrow end.
Zuytdorp Cliffs

Some 150 km long seaside cliffs, up to 250 m high. Rugged, spectacular area.
Windjana Gorge

Spectacular gorge of Lennard River, some 100 m wide, with 30 – 10 m tall walls. Freshwater crocodiles.