Reynolds Falls

Beautiful waterfall on Vale River. Waterfall is in a narrow gorge and falls with a single, more than 50 m tall plunge from a narrow canyon.
Kermandie Queen
Stoutest eucalyptus – a mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans F.Muell.). Circumference 21.65 m, height 60 m. Suffered burns during the fire in January 2019.
Whitelaw Tree
Largest and also stoutest shining gum (Eucalyptus nitens H.Deane & Maiden). 57.5 m high, girth 14.9 m, volume 200 m³.
Moreton Bay Fig in Bellingen
Giant fig tree – Moreton Bay Fig (Ficus macrophylla Desf. ex Pers.) with a girth of 18 m, 50 m high. In fact these are two trees together – if their trunks are measured together, circumference is 29 m, but 18 m is the circumference of the largest tree.
Styx Valley Alpine Ash
Largest alpine ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T.Baker) with a code name SX19A. Volume 286 m³, diameter 5.41 m, height 72.0 m.
Largest Australian oak (Eucalyptus obliqua L’Hér.). Volume 337 m³. 53 m high, diameter 5.37 m, girth – 17 m. The tree has many branches.
Arve Big Tree

Second largest eucalypt and the largest mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans F.Muell.) in the world. Volume 360.1 m³, height 87 m, diameter 5.44 m. After the fire in January 2019 it has collapsed.
Tranby House (Peninsula Farm)

Farmers cottage, one of oldest buildings in the Western Australia. Constructed in 1839. Preserved authentic interiors and furniture.
Swan Bells

Unusual monument – 82.5 m tall tower of unusual architecture, with 18 bells.
Round House in Fremantle

The oldest existing building in Western Australia, constructed in 1830 – 1831. Built as a prison.