Miles Glacier Bridge (Million Dollar Bridge)

470 m long railway bridge, built in 1910. This expensive bridge currently stands almost without use, but it is cheaper to maintain it than to remove it.
HAARP Research Station, Alaska

Ionospheric research facility – high-power radio frequency transmitter that is able to excite the ionosphere above it. This is a subject of numerous conspiracy theories.
Fourth Avenue Theatre

Movie theater in Art Deco style, built in 1941 – 1947. Valuable interiors with silver and gold murals.
Anton Andersen Memorial Tunnel (Whittier Tunnel)

4.1 km long tunnel – the second longest highway tunnel and the longest combined road and rail tunnel in North America. Basically constructed during the World War II, converted to combined road – rail tunnel in 2000.
Ukivok Stilt Village

Abandoned Inupiat village on an inhospitable cliff side. Houses are built on stilts above the sea.

Village on a small, low lying island in Chukchi Sea. This traditional Inupiaq village is suffering from global warming – the sea is washing it out. Now it is protected with berth.
Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Alaska

Russian Orthodox church with an onion dome, built in 1907.
St. Michael’s Cathedral in Sitka, Alaska

Russian Orthodox church, built in 1848.
Church of the Holy Ascension in Unalaska

Old Russian Orthodox church, built in 1826.
Swan Point

One of the oldest dated archaeological sites in Alaska, from 12,300 BC. Finds have cultural similarities to Siberian cultures.