Californian laurel tree at Myrtlewood Trail
Californian laurel tree at Myrtlewood Trail has a circumference of 15.27 m. The trunk is much wider at its base – hence the enormous circumference.
The largest Fremont cottonwood in Skull Valley
This is the largest currently known Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii). The tree has a circumference of 14.22 m and height of 31 m (2017). It was planted in 1917.
Sycamore in Santa Barbara (Sister Witness Tree)
Enormous sycamore (Platanus racemosa) with a circumference of 15.9 m, 28.65 m height.
Captain Jack Sparrow tree
Coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) with a diameter of 8.9 m. This is the largest (by trunk diameter) redwood that is announced to the public but it is possible that there are larger ones. Discovered in 2014.
Deodar cedar near Tolma
The largest known deocar cedar (Cedrus deodara) with a circumference of approximately 14.5 m, height – approximately 30 m.
Joshimath Kalpavriksha
Stoutest known Himalayan mulberry (Morus serrata) with a circumference of 21.5 m. This sacred tree is believed to be 1,200 years old.
The Temple Fig
Giant white fig (Ficus virens) that has a circumference of 19 m and is 36 m tall. If measured at the height of 1.4 m, the circumference is even 30.7 m! Crown of the tree is 45 m wide.
Darejo – Errinundra Gum of Result Creek
Largest tree in species (Eucalyptus denticulata I.O.Cook & Ladiges), circumference 14.4 m, height 62 m.
Blackbutt “Benaroon”
Stoutest blackbutt (Eucalyptus pilularis Sm.). 60 m high, girth 15.1 m.
Historic Herbig Tree

River red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.) of unusual cone form, circumference 15.28 m, height just 14.0 m. The enormous hollow in the tree was used by Friedrich Herbig and his family as a home in 1855.