Wailua Falls

World 🢖 Australia and Oceania 🢖 Polynesia 🢖 United States 🢖 Hawaii 🢖 Kaua’i Waterfalls 🢔 Geological wonders 🢔 Categories of wonders Wonder Wailua Falls   In short There are many very tall waterfalls in Hawaii – up to 900 m tall! But not always the beauty is in superlative numbers – the "mere" 26 m tall Wailua Falls are among the most beautiful waterfalls in Hawaii. Rating 35.3% GPS […]
Waipoo Falls

World 🢖 Australia and Oceania 🢖 Polynesia 🢖 United States 🢖 Hawaii 🢖 Kaua’i Waterfalls 🢔 Geological wonders 🢔 Categories of wonders Wonder Waipoo Falls   In short Hawaii Islands have their own Grand Canyon – Waimea Canyon. Contrary to the real Grand Canyon, Waimea Canyon is adorned with an enormous waterfall – the 244 m tall Waipoo Falls. Rating 42.8% GPS coordinates 22.1046 N 159.6614 W Location, address Oceania, […]
Wall of Tears, Maui

World 🢖 Australia and Oceania 🢖 Polynesia 🢖 United States 🢖 Hawaii 🢖 Maui Waterfalls 🢔 Geological wonders 🢔 Categories of wonders Wonder Wall of Tears, Maui   In short After heavy rains Wall of Tears looks like few places on Earth. The green walls of the giant, narrow Waihee Valley are covered with ever-moving, improbable waterfalls which fall down from… it is not seen from where because the clouds […]
Waihilau Falls

World 🢖 Australia and Oceania 🢖 Polynesia 🢖 United States 🢖 Hawaii 🢖 Hawai’i Waterfalls 🢔 Geological wonders 🢔 Categories of wonders Wonder Waihilau Falls   In short Some of the best waterfalls in the world are not that easy to reach by feet. The 790 m tall Waihilau Falls (Hawaii) belong to the best in the world and it is not easy at all to reach these falls. Rating […]
Hiilawe Waterfall

World 🢖 Australia and Oceania 🢖 Polynesia 🢖 United States 🢖 Hawaii 🢖 Hawai’i Waterfalls 🢔 Geological wonders 🢔 Categories of wonders Wonder Hiilawe Waterfall   In short One of the most spectacular waterfalls in Hawaii is Hiilawe Waterfall – spectacular 442 m tall waterfall majestically sliding down along the steep cliff. Rating 42.0% GPS coordinates 20.0964 N 155.5962 W Location, address Oceania, United States, Hawaii, near the north-eastern coast […]
Honokohau Falls

341 m high falls from eternal cloud along emerald green mountain slope.
Wai’ale’ale Falls (Waialeale Falls, Weeping Wall)

Group of very tall waterfalls in a narrow canyon. It is possible that their height reaches 900 m.
Papalaua Falls

Approximately 501 m high, very impressive fall at the far end of enormous, up to 850 m deep valley.
Kahiwa Falls

Beautiful 660 m tall and up to 8 m wide waterfall falling directly into the ocean. The highest drop is 183 m tall.
Olo’upena Falls (Oloupena Falls)
At 900 meters in height, this is an amazing seasonal waterfall. Considered to be the fourth highest waterfall in the world.