Shell Creek Road meadows, California

In short
The diverse and beautiful Shell Creek Road meadows can serve as a teaching ground for learning the Californian wildflowers…
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In detail
This area is not a part of the barren arid grassland of nearby Carrizo Plain or lush forest of Los Padres National Forest. Undulating hills with occasional groups of trees and gallery forests along Shell Creek form a lively landscape. Further, towards the north, the valley becomes arider and devoid of trees – but still is rich with spring wildflowers.
In spring, in late February – April Shell Creek Road becomes an important destination for wildflower enthusiasts and especially – for photographers. The diverse scenery and the diversity of plants provide plenty of excellent views.

Floral display for the most time is excellent, although there are less impressive years such as 2009. But even in 2009 Shell Creek still was well worth coming.
The river got its name from fossils – ancient shells.
These meadows are included in the following list:
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[…] 10. Shell Creek Road Meadows […]