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Mount Waialeale

Rare glimpse on Mount Wai'ale'ale. Usually it is densely covered with clouds.
Rare glimpse on Mount Wai’ale’ale. Usually it is densely covered with clouds.. / Tim Wise, Flickr / CC BY 2.0

WorldBlue  In short

The summit of this mountain is one of the wettest places on Earth with an average rainfall of 9,500 mm. The maximum rainfall in 1982 reached 17,300 mm.

Thanks to the weather conditions, there has formed a swampy biotope. It is protected now as Alaka’i Wilderness Preserve. The area contains numerous unique species. Numerous waterfalls – Wai’ale’ale Falls – are falling along the 600 m high wall of crater.

There is a wetter place in Hawaii – Big Bog in Maui.

4.6 out of 10 stars 46.3%

GPS coordinates
22.06422 N 159.49892 W
Location, address
Oceania, United States, Hawaii, Kaua’i, Mount Wai’ale’ale

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