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Ixtlán de los Hervores geothermal field

Ixtlán Geyser, Mexico
Ixtlán Geyser, Mexico / , Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

WorldBlue  In short

Geothermal field, where earlier used to be up to 14 geysers (it is possible that few still exist near Salitre village). Now here are several artificial geysers. The tallest of these artificial geysers – Ixtlan Geyser – reaches a height up to 30 m.

4.6 out of 10 stars 46.3%

GPS coordinates
20.1673 N 102.3804 W
Location, address
North America, Mexico, Michoacán, Ixtlán Municipality, eastern part of Ixtlán de los Hervores town

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