World 🢖 South America 🢖 Brazil 🢖 Amazonas
Desabamento Falls

In short
One of the greatest waterfalls of Serra do Aracá is Desabamento Falls – approximately 200 m tall waterfall.
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Name in Portuguese
Tallest drop
Map of the site
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In detail
This waterfall falls over the rim of Serra do Aracá – the southernmost of the famous tepuis – sandstone plateaus of Guyana Highlands. The abrupt walls of this large plateau rise up to 1 kilometer tall above the (seemingly) endless sea of the Amazonian rainforest and there have formed several enormous, very impressive waterfalls including Brazil’s officially tallest one – Eldorado Falls (at least 353 m).
Desabamento Falls form a free-falling plunge that turns to mist closer to the basis. The basis of this waterfall is rather unusual – it looks like a cemented, bright orange-brown slide in some water park. According to some methodologies, this steep slide could be included in the total height of the waterfall, thus making it significantly taller.
It is possible that this slide is formed from sinter – secondary sediments of siliceous rocks created by the waterfall over a long period of time. This would be an unusual formation because the sinter, in general, is formed by thermal and acidic waters. But the caves and sinkholes in the quartzites of Guyana highlands show that if there is enough time (here we speak about hundreds of millions of years) – unique geological formations are possible.
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