Karahunj (Zorats Karer)
![One side of Karahunj stone circle, with the central stone cyst seen in the left side, Armenia](https://www.wondermondo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Karahunj.jpg)
Megalithic necropolis from the 3rd – 2nd millenia BC (?). Contains a ring of upright stones. Some 223 stone tombs are here, from the Middle Bronze Age to Iron Age. Many stones have holes in them and there is a hypothesis that these holes were used in ancient astronomy.
Marae Arahurahu
![Marae Arahurahu, Tahiti](https://www.wondermondo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/ArahurahuMarae2.jpg)
One of the first marae to be restored in 1954. Contains a stone statue.
Marae Fare Opu
![Marae Fare Opu in Leeward Islands, petroglyph](https://www.wondermondo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/MaraeFareOpu2.jpg)
Large royal marae, unfortunately, half buried under a road. Some stones contain petroglyphs – depictions of turtles. Made in the 15th – 16th century. Ahu is 25 m long.
Me’ae Iipona
![Me'ae Iipona in Marquesas, old stone sculptures](https://www.wondermondo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Iipona3.jpg)
A ceremonial site with the largest prehistoric stone statues (tiki) in French Polynesia, up to 2.6 m high. Restored in 1991.
Ha’amonga ‘a Maui (Trilithon) and ‘esi Maka Fa’akinanga
![Ha'amonga 'a Maui in 1990, Tonga](https://www.wondermondo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/HaamongaaMaui3.jpg)
Amazing megalith – a trilithon of three limestone slabs, located in the second capital of Tonga (established around the 10th century AD). Each stone weighs some 20 tons and is some 6 m high. Built at the beginning of the 13th century, possibly as a royal gateway. Nearby is a large upright stone slab – Maka Fa’akinanga – a legendary throne of the king.
Rai of Yap – the stone money
![Rai of Yap in the front of meeting house](https://www.wondermondo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/RaiYap3.jpg)
Limestone discs with a hole in the middle, diameter up to 3 meters, used as money over the last 500 years. In 1929 there were registered 13,281 stone discs all over the island, now many have been looted and some thousands remain. The largest "coins" are on Rumung Island – one coin here has a diameter of 3.6 m.
Arorae navigational stones – Te Atibu-ni-Borau
Eight coral slabs that long ago have been set upright and arranged to serve as a navigational aid for seafarers.
Rota Latte Stones Quarry (As Nieves Quarry)
![Rota Latte Stones Quarry, Northern Marianas](https://www.wondermondo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/RotaStoneQuarry-1200x800.jpg)
The original quarries for the unique megaliths of Marianas – latte stones. Here are found the largest latte stones – up to 7.6 m long.
Latte Stone Park, Guam
![Megaliths in Latte Stone Park, Guam](https://www.wondermondo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/LattePark.jpg)
Archaeological park, where eight latte stones are displayed, transferred here from the other parts of Guam. Latte stones are prehistoric megalithic structures – large, erect stones with a rounded capstone on them. The rounded capstone has a flat top. It is speculated that latte stones formed the foundation of houses. There are some 270 sites with latte stones in Guam.
Ķintu Aka
![Ķintu Aka, Latvia](https://www.wondermondo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/KintuA1.jpg)
One of the most unique megalithic monuments in Latvia – a well made of enormous stone slabs, some weighing more than 1 ton. Well has smooth inner surface, stones fit together well. Legends about other megalithic structures nearby that do not exist anymore.