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Wonders of Jamaica

Jamaica is the third-largest Caribbean island with a distinct local culture and amazing nature. The most amazing wonders of Jamaica are:
- Unique ecosystems – island has many diverse ecosystems with numerous rare and endemic species of plants and animals. Some are plain unique, such as Rockbay with its powerful bioluminescence.
- Caves and sinkholes – there are known more than 1000 caves and sinkholes in Jamaica, and some regions of the island are crisscrossed by underground passages.
The major values of Jamaica though are not bound to a single place – the fusion of different cultures on the island has given birth to multiple unique cultural phenomena, such as reggae, Rastafari, unique cuisine, dance styles, etc.
Map with the described wonders of Jamaica
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Top 25 wonders of Jamaica
Geological wonders
Jackson’s Bay Caves
Group of closely located caves with a total length that exceeds 10 km. Some of the most beautiful caves in the Caribbean. Prehistoric engravings and rock paintings. Human bones from around 1240 AD have been found. Here have been found remnants of such extinct animals as Jamaican monkey (Xenothrix mcgregori) and the unique Jamaican ibis (Xenicibis xympithecus) whose wings were like clubs, possibly used in fights.
Dunn’s River Falls
Saint Ann
Approximately 55 m tall waterfall with many cascades and spectacular tufa formations. Waterfall ends directly in the sea. Popular tourist destination, tourists enjoy climbing the falls.

YS Falls
Saint Elizabeth
Secluded, approximately 37 m tall waterfall with seven cascades. The waterfall is fed by natural springs.

Blue Lagoon (Blue Hole)
Natural lagoon – sea bay, fed by powerful springs. This 55 m deep lagoon has an unusual, deep blue color that changes as the sunlight changes throughout the day.

Dunn’s Hole
The largest cave chamber in Jamaica, some 200 m long, 100 m wide, and up to 80 m high. It is located at the bottom of a 200 m deep, slanting sinkhole with a 100 by 80 m large entrance.
Dornoch River Head (Dornoch Rise)
The largest river rise (surfacing of the underground river) in Jamaica. This deep blue, circular pool is the head of Rio Bueno.
Cockpit Country karst area
Large area with enormous limestone cones. This inhospitable, rugged area is covered with pristine rainforest and holds huge biodiversity values. Here are numerous caves.
Green Grotto Caves
Saint Ann
1,525 m long cave system, used as a shelter by Taino people.

Gourie Cave
One of the largest and most interesting caves in Jamaica. Its explored length is 3,505 m. The cave contains gours (rimstone pools), and flowstone.
Coffee River Cave
Large cave with beautiful formations – numerous stalactites and stalagmites. Explored length – 2,801 m.
Hutchinson’s Hole
Saint Ann
Large sinkhole with bad fame. Serial killer Lewis Hutchinson used to throw his victims here in the 18th century. Also later many fell into this hole. Sinkhole is some 98 m deep. The upper entrance is just 5 by 3 m wide, but with the depth, it becomes larger until reaching 18 by 25 m size.
Riversdale Natural Bridge
Saint Catherine
Large natural bridge over a tributary of Rio Cobre. The road goes over it.
Biological wonders
Portland Ridge
Dry limestone forest with many endemic species of plants and animals, such as tree frog Eleutherodactylus cavernicola, two thunder snakes Trophidophis stullae and Trophidophis jamaicensis, and the endemic Blue-Tailed Galliwasp (Celestus duquesneyi).
Hellshire Hills
Saint Catherine
Some of the largest and most interesting dry forests in the Caribbean, with 53 endemic species of plants and many endemic animals, such as Jamaican iguana (Cyclura collei) and skink Mabuya mabouya.
Rockbay bioluminescence
Saint Ann
A small bay, one of the best places in the world to experience bioluminescence. It is caused by high concentrations of Pyrodinium bahamense microorganisms.
Kindah Tree, Accompong
Saint Elizabeth
Enormous mango tree of great historical importance. According to legends, under this tree met rebellious Maroons, led by Cudjoe in the early 18th century.
Archaeological wonders
Pantrepant West Cave
Cave with Taino petroglyphs on a 1.5 m tall stalagmite. It is possible that these carvings are aligned with the winter solstice.
Mountain River Cave
Saint Catherine
One of the most prominent rock art sites in Jamaica, with 148 identifiable cliff paintings and 4 – 5 petroglyphs.
Kempshot Cave
Saint Mary
Cave with Taino rock carvings on stalactites.
Architecture wonders
The Underwater City of Port Royal
Saint Andrew (Jamaica) and Kingston
This historical city was submerged in the sea in 1692 after a catastrophic earthquake. Thus the city has been preserved very well and represents a unique testimony of an English colonial town from the late 17th century. Captain Morgan was buried in a cemetery that is under the sea now.
Rose Hall
Saint James
A large and ornate historical mansion, built in the 1770ies in the Jamaican Georgian style. According to the legends, this mansion is haunted by the White Witch – a voodoo practitioner, who killed many people. It is doubtful whether she existed in reality.
Spanish Town Historic District
Saint Catherine
An old city that was established by the Spanish in 1534, the capital of Jamaica until 1872. Many historical buildings.
St. James Cathedral in Spanish Town
Saint Catherine
The oldest Anglican church in British Caribbean. The first, Spanish church was built here in 1525, later on, its foundation was built Anglican church. The current church was rebuilt in 1714 after the previous one was destroyed by a hurricane.
Iron bridge in Spanish Town
Saint Catherine
Historical bridge from cast iron, built in 1801, 29.7 m long.
Old House of Assembly, Spanish Town
Saint Catherine
Historical building for the Assembly of Jamaica, constructed in 1762.

Recommended books
The Rough Guide to Jamaica
The new full-color The Rough Guide to Jamaica is the ultimate travel guide to the most captivating of Caribbean Islands. In-depth coverage and clear maps will help you discover the best that the island has to offer – from white-sand beaches and rum bars to misty mountains and vibrant towns – while detailed practical information will help you get around.
Insight Guides Pocket Jamaica
One of the most popular Caribbean Islands, Jamaica has it all. With its stunning natural setting, low mountains, white sandy beaches, and clear waters, it’s the destination of dreams. Be inspired to get more out of your visit by the brand new Insight Pocket Guide Jamaica, a concise, full-color guide to this tropical paradise that combines lively text with vivid photography to highlight the best that the island has to offer.
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