Poppy meadows of Merced Valley and Hite Cove

In short
The landscape of Merced River Valley is world famous due to Yosemite Valley – a beautiful, impressive glacial valley, the oldest protected area in the United States, formally protected since 1866.
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In detail
One of the most popular routes leading into the park is Highway 140 along the Merced River. When approaching Yosemite the valley gradually becomes deeper and deeper. In springtime the beautiful landscape is supplemented by unusual sights – high hillsides on both banks of the river become colored bright orange by millions of poppies. Merced Valley poppy meadows and Hite Cove wildflower meadows belong to the most beautiful wildflower displays in this part of California.
Which poppy is it?

There is some controversy regarding the species of poppies seen in Merced River Vallery and Hite Cove. While some state that this beautiful orange flower is California poppy (Eschscholzia californica Cham.), others consider that most of these plants are tufted poppies (Eschscholzia caespitosa Benth.). Both plants are very similar and California poppy forms numerous diverse forms, thus for a non-specialist, it is not that easy to differentiate them.
Rare salamander
The poppy meadows of the hillsides of Merced valley can be observed from the car. Although this is a beautiful experience, one can’t say that this means being close to nature. Walking on these slopes is not advised – in many cases these steep hillsides are not safe. Under the stones there might be hiding unique amphibian – limestone salamander (Hydromantes brunus Gorman, 1954). This small creature lives only in this part of Merced River Valley and nowhere else in the world, it is hiding deep in the talus. An inattentive step might create landslides and kill fragile salamanders. Thus better enjoy the beautiful scenery from the road.
Hite Cove Trail

Hite Cove is named after John Hite who was searching for gold in this area in the 1860s.
One can get much closer to nature when taking a walk on the Hite Cove Trail which goes along a small tributary of Merced River. Here nature trail leads through some of the most beautiful wildflower meadows. Take a walk here in March – April, and if the weather is good, you would be overwhelmed by the beauty of this place.
Poppies are abundant along the trail, but there are numerous other interesting flowers as well: baby blue eyes (Nemophila menziesii Hook. & Arn.), Sierra blazing stars (Mentzelia crocea Kellogg), blue dicks (Dichelostemma capitatum (Benth.) Alph.Wood), yellow pincushions (Chaenactis glabriuscula DC.) and many others – more than 60 species of wildflowers in total.
- Hite Cove: Flower Power, Yosemite Hikes, accessed on February 27, 2010
Poppy meadows of Merced Valley and Hite’s Cove are included in the following list:
Linked articles

Top 10 locations of California poppy meadows and fields
California poppy meadows belong to the most impressive wildflower displays in the world. Their unusually clear and brilliant color seems to come from another, better reality. This flower has created a passion that is rare elsewhere in the world. Many Californians are obsessed with “wildflower hunting” – search of beautiful meadows, photographing, and just pure enjoyment of beauty.

Wonders of California
Although California is one of the states in the United States of America, Americans often compare it to a separate country, e.g. “if California would be a country, it would have the eighth largest economy in the world”. We can go on with this comparison – California has more landmarks and attractions than many large countries of the world.

Biotope is a rather small area with uniform environmental conditions and a specific community of life. Wondermondo describes biotopes and ecosystems which have striking looks, look very beautiful, or have other unusual characteristics.
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