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Lonad Caves
In short
Near Janwal village there is located a group of several rock-cut Buddhist temples, made around the 5th century AD – Lonad Caves.
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In detail
Most interesting structure is chaitya – it has obtained certain fame thanks to the beautiful, interesting stone carvings.
Chaitya faces to the south-west and there opens a fine view from it. In front of it, there is located rock-cut water cistern.
Temple consists of the double verandah, hall, and unfinished shrine. The outer verandah is partly ruined due to landslides. The entrance is adorned by a row of three square pillars and two pilasters.
In the architrave of the cave there is a narrative scene of the Vessantara Jataka (a story about one of the past lives of Buddha) together with panels of Hariti (family goddess) and Panchika (god of affluence).
Central doorway leading into the interior hall is flanked by caryatid Yaksha images.
Large panel on the right side of the cave, outside the verandah, appears to be a magnification of the scene on the architrave, where Vessantara’s father is depicted seated on a high seat amidst courtiers and attendants – he is taking the fateful decision to banish the princess Vessantara.
Lately the ancient Buddhist shrine of Lonad has been turned into a Hindu shrine. It contains later images of Khandeshvari and Mahishasura Mardini.
Unfortunately the beautiful artwork is disfigured by graffiti.
- Indian Archaeology, 1981 – 82 – a review, New Delhi, 1982.
- Thana District Gazetteer, Places of Interest, Maharashtra State. Accessed on June 15, 2010.
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