There are thousands of wonders in the world

Wondermondo is a unique site about the wonders of the world. Here are descriptions of 1 943 wonders of the world (see here – what is a wonder). In articles are listed approximately 10 000 more.
10 latest wonders
Ziedleju Waterfall
April 14, 2024
Ziedleju Waterfall is indeed picturesque and one of the nearest waterfalls to Riga City. This waterfall stands at approximately 3.7 meters in height and cascades over red Devonian sandstone.
Gobdzinu Ravine Waterfall
April 9, 2024
The deep, remote ravine north of Gobdzinu Cliffs hides a small waterfall. Gobdzinu Ravine Waterfall is some 2.3 m high and flows only occasionally, but has formed a short canyon.
Aleksupite Waterfall
April 8, 2024
The tallest waterfall in the western part of Latvia – Kurzeme – is Aleksupite Waterfall. Today, it appears artificial – since the 17th century, the waterfall has been gradually reinforced and adapted for milling purposes. However, its foundation remains a genuine waterfall.
Jumprava Park Waterfall
April 7, 2024
The sole authentic waterfall in the Zemgale Region is the Jumprava Park Waterfall. It presents a picturesque cascade with four to five primary tiers, boasting a total height of approximately 1.5 meters.
Sildruvu Waterfall
April 6, 2024
The small Sildruvu Waterfall is a welcome, pleasant surprise to the rafters who enjoy this gorgeous part of Abava River. This is a small waterfall that falls over the sandstone cliffs directly into the river.
Maras Kambaru Waterfall
April 4, 2024
For several decades, Maras Kambari has been a well-known tourist destination. It is a short canyon that has formed in sandstone and features three legendary caves. Interestingly, few people notice that this canyon begins with the Maras Kambaru Waterfall.
Upper Zarvalka Waterfall
April 02, 2024
The uppermost of the four waterfalls on Zarvalks here is named simply: the Upper Zarvalka Waterfall. This waterfall is located on the upper rim of the wide Abava Valley.
Waterfall over Zvigulu Cliffs
March 31, 2024
This small waterfall flows just for a few weeks per year – but what a treat to the eye it is! The small stream falls some 3 to 4.5 m over a bright red cliff directly into Salaca River.
Zarvalka Waterfall
March 31, 2024
There are four waterfalls on Zarvalks and its smaller side branch. The most impressive is the lower waterfall on the main brook that here is called simply – Zarvalka Waterfall.
Mazrendas Waterfall
March 26, 2024
The remote Mazrendas Waterfall always seeps and, it seems, never flows. But, nevertheless, it has created a picturesque sandstone canyon.
Latest articles
Tidal currents and whirlpools
March 24, 2024
This category includes somewhat lesser-known natural wonders: locations where large masses of water move on a regular basis due to tidal forces. The two main types of such natural landmarks are tidal falls and squeezes (places where the tidal water squeezes through narrows) and tidal bores (large tidal waves in rivers).
Glacial landforms
February 19, 2024
This category includes the most impressive glacial landforms in the world. Glaciations, especially the Last Glacial Period shaped the current landscape in many regions of the world, leaving countless interesting landmarks. The most impressive, though, are glaciers themselves.
Geothermal features
January 21, 2024
This category includes such categories of natural wonders as geothermal fields, fumaroles, geysers, thermal springs, spring travertine formations and volcanoes.
Geothermal fields
January 12, 2024
A lot of factors make geothermal fields unusual: heat, colors, noises, unusual landforms, rare minerals and unique species. Most of geothermal fields have formed along the borders of tectonic plates and in volcanic hotspots.
10 largest yew trees in the United Kingdom
January 1, 2024
There are numerous giant yew trees in the churchyards in the United Kingdom. These trees are a part of the cultural landscape, a beautiful accent in the rich scenery of Britain. This article is an attempt to list the largest of them.
Unusual fumaroles
November 30, 2023
This category includes most unusual and interesting fumaroles of the world: openings in the ground (also under the water) where heated gases and vapors are emitted.
First magnitude springs in Florida
October 17, 2023
Unique landmarks of Florida are its magnificent, powerful springs. In this article are reviewed the largest of them – first magnitude springs of Florida whose mean discharge exceeds 100 cubic feet (2,832 liters) per second.
10 oldest churches in the world
August 8, 2023
This article is a honest attempt to find the oldest known churches in the world – 10 oldest churches in the world and even more churches that, according to legends, might be even older!