Wondermondo 🢖 World 🢖 Wonders of Africa 🢖 Wonders of Guinea-Bissau


Wonders of Guinea-Bissau

Corubal Falls at high water, Guinea-Bissau
Corubal Falls at high water / Pis bus, , public domain

WorldBlue  Highlights

Guinea-Bissau is a small country with plain relief. Part of the country is formed by Bijagos Archipelago – green islands covered with tropical forests and high biological diversity. The mainland is drier, but there are some interesting natural landmarks of local importance, e.g. ravines, smaller caves, rapids. There are not too many man-made landmarks.

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WorldViolet Top 4 wonders of Guinea-Bissau

Geological wonders

Corubal Falls (Saltinho)


Low, rapid-like falls on Corubal River. Total height of falls – approximately 5 m, width up to 360 m.

Architecture wonders

São José da Amura


Fortification, constructed by the Portuguese in the late 17th century, and rebuilt in 1753. Designed in the characteristic style of European military architecture in the 17th – 18th century.

Cacheu Fortress


Portuguese built fortress, developed since 1588. Well preserved, and restored in 2004.



Ruins of the former capital of Guinea-Bissau. Many houses represent fine samples of colonial architecture. Now the ruins are inhabited by thousands of bats.

Ruins in Bolama, Guinea-Bissau
Ruins in Bolama / Nammarci, / CC BY-SA 3.0

WorldYellow Recommended books

An Early Nineteenth Century Description of Guinea-Bissau

In the early 19th century French traveler and diplomat, Gaspard Théodore Mollien, traveled through the Senegambia region of West Africa. At the time most of Africa’s interior had not yet come under European rule, although European powers maintained some trading posts and colonial settlements along the coasts. Most of the modern-day countries of Africa did not exist at this time, but Mollien passed through the territory of what are now Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, and Guinea-Bissau.

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