World 🢖 Africa 🢖 Burkina Faso
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Bobo Dioulasso Grand Mosque

In short
The amazing Bobo Dioulasso Grand Mosque is impressive representative of the traditional Sudano-Sahelian architecture, most likely – the largest building in this style in Burkina Faso. It was built in the end of the 19th century as a result of political deal between local king and Islamic religious leader.
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In detail
The second city of Burkina Faso
The second largest city in Burkina Faso is Bobo-Dioulasso. In many respects it is more fascinating than the capital Ouagadougou, it has richer cultural life and architecture. A smaller settlement has existed here since the 11th century, the current city developed since the late 19th century.
Local, animistic religions are still active here but step by step, since the late 18th century Islam is coming to this part of the world.
The construction of Bobo Dioulasso Grand Mosque was a result of a deal in local politics.
At the end of the 19th-century local kingdom of Sya (old name of Bobo Dioulasso is Sya) was in grave danger: forces of the hostile king of Kenedougou (in present-day Mali) Tieba Traoré advanced on the capital of Sya. King of Sya was desperately looking for assistance and found it – Islamic religious leader Almamy Sidiki Sanou was ready to help, but only if the king of Sya would build a mosque in Bobo Dioulasso.
King of Kenedougou was stopped some 30 km from the capital and the kingdom of Sya was saved. Mosque was built soon after and, reportedly, defeated the king of Kenedougou was among the builders.
The exact date of construction is not known – some say that it was built in 1880, there are mentioned also such years as 1882, 1883, and 1893.
Mosque in Sudano-Sahelian style
In Bobo Dioulasso are located several monuments of Sudano-Sahelian architecture – the traditional architecture which is characteristic in this part of the world. These amazing buildings were created from locally available materials: mud and some wood.
Sudano-Sahelian architecture is characterized by rounded, soft forms and wooden "sticks" protruding from the walls. These sticks are needed to maintain the building: repairs are needed almost every year.
Just like the much better known Great Mosque of Djenné in Mali, Bobo Dioulasso Grand Mosque is adorned with numerous pilasters. There are two taller towers – minarets – as well.
Interior of the mosque is dark (there are electrical lights and fans though), and austere, although trunks of mahogany are used for the ceiling.
Men have a prayer hall at the front, women – in the backside.
Visitors may enter it and even climb on the rooftop at certain hours. The mosque is well maintained. Unfortunately, cement was used for repairs lately and the building looks worse than before.
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Wonders of Burkina Faso
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Islamic shrines
Place for worship in Islam is called a mosque. Mosques serve also for education, news exchange, and dispute settlement.
Initially, in the 7th century mosques were unpretentious, large halls for gatherings. Over time, as Islam was spreading, there developed diverse, locally adapted architectural forms of mosques.
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