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Wonders of Brazil

Brazil is an enormous, diverse country with many amazing and unique attractions. Especially impressive are the diverse natural wonders of Brazil – many surprising geological monuments and areas with unique and endemic plants and animals. Few know it outside the country – but there are many beautiful historical cities. Many great monuments of architecture have been created in Brazil in the 20th century.
Brazil is divided into 26 states and 1 federal district.
List of states of Brazil
- Acre
- Alagoas
- Amapá
- Amazonas
- Bahia
- Ceará
- Distrito Federal
- EspĂrito Santo
- Goiás
- MaranhĂŁo
- Mato Grosso
- Mato Grosso do Sul
- Minas Gerais
- Pará
- ParaĂba
- Paraná
- Pernambuco
- PiauĂ
- Rio de Janeiro
- Rio Grande do Norte
- Rio Grande do Sul
- RondĂ´nia
- Roraima
- Santa Catarina
- SĂŁo Paulo
- Sergipe
- Tocantins
Map with the described wonders
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Top 25 wonders of Brazil
Geological wonders
Iguazu Falls (Salto de Iguaçu)
Paraná and also Argentina
One of the most enormous and impressive waterfalls in the world, they are "only" 82 meters tall, but 2,700 meters wide.
Mount Roraima
The famous table-mountains in this part of the world have near-unique karst formations in quartzite. Over the many millions of years, it has been eroded by water, creating countless very interesting formations. Roraima is up to 2.8 km high.
Itaimbezinho Canyon
Rio Grande do Sul
Up to 720 m deep and 6 km long canyon with unbelievable, very impressive sights. Additional charm is added by exotic, tall araucarias.

Pedra Furada
Santa Catarina
Large natural arch – or rather a hole in the rock with a forest growing in it.
Sugarloaf Mountain
Rio de Janeiro
Impressive, rounded, 396 m high granite peak, one of the dominants in the landscape of Rio De Janeiro. Can be reached by a cable car.
Eldorado Falls (Aracá Falls)
Amazonas (Brazil)
A powerful, 353 m tall fall with a single plunge. Discovered recently, around 2000 AD.

Abismo Guy Collet
Amazonas (Brazil)
The deepest cave in South America and the deepest quartzite cave in the world. It has been explored up to 671 meters deep.
Mocona Falls (YucumĂŁ Falls)
Rio Grande do Sul
Unusual, very impressive waterfall on the Uruguay River. This approximately 2 km long and up to 12 m tall waterfall is located in parallel to the flow direction of the river and ends in the middle of the stream.

Gruta do Lago Azul
Mato Grosso do Sul
Unusually beautiful cave thanks to a deep, very large cave lake that is up to 70 m deep. In the morning the lake is illuminated by the Sun.

Gruta dos Brejões
Very impressive, a 6.6 km long cave with a 106 m high entrance. Passages are up to 150 m tall. Contains giant, unusual travertine terraces and ancient cave paintings.
Gruta do Janelão, Peruaçu karst
Minas Gerais
Group of very impressive karst formations: an underground river with 3 km long and up to 100 m wide and high passage. Includes two giant collapse dolines up to 170 m deep and several smaller ones. Includes one of the tallest stalagmites in the world – 28 m high.
Biological wonders
Sooretama Biological Reserve and Linhares Forest Reserve
EspĂrito Santo
The largest remaining area of North Eastern Atlantic forests. The area of this forest is approximately 50 000 ha, it is almost pristine and is one of the most biodiverse rainforests in the world with a very high degree of endemism.
Archaeological wonders
Serra da Capivara rock shelters
More than 300 archaeological sites with numerous, up to 26 – 22 thousand years old (Pedra Furada shelter) rock paintings of Nordeste and Agresete cultures. Controversial carbon dating shows that people here lived even 35 – 48 thousand years ago which contradicts the theories of human arrival in the Americas.

Pedra Pintada
Very impressive, overhanging, 35 m tall cliff with a cave that contains 11,200 years old petroglyphs.
Calcoene megaliths
Pre-Columbian structure – a circle marked with 127 blocks of granite, stones are up to 3 meters high. Possible ancient observatory. The area contains numerous interesting megaliths.

Architecture wonders
SĂŁo Francisco Church and Convent
Baroque church with exuberant design, built in 1708 – 1755.
Christ the Redeemer
Rio de Janeiro
One of the most iconic statues in the world, the largest Art Deco-style sculpture in the world, constructed in 1922 – 1931. Statue itself is 39.6 m high but it is located on the top of another landmark, the 710 meters high granite peak – Corcovado mountain. This is the highest granite dome in Brazil. Magnificent sights of Rio de Janeiro city open from the top of the mountain.
Amazon Theatre
Amazonas (Brazil)
A beautiful, enormous opera house in Eclectic style. It was built in 1885 – 1896 in the jungle metropolis Manaus during the times of the rubber boom, using expensive materials from the whole world.
Itaipu Dam
The largest hydropower plant in the world by the capacity of the annual production of electricity, with an installed capacity of generators – 14 GW. Dam is 7.7 km long and 196 m high and belongs to largest man-made structures in the world, built in 1984.
Santuario de Bom Jesus de Matosinhos in Congonhas and related buildings
Minas Gerais
Beautiful, ornate Rococo-style church built in 1772.
Historic center of Ouro Preto
Minas Gerais
Former colonial mining town, founded in the late 17th century and renowned due to beautiful Baroque architecture and well-preserved historic center.
Historic center of Goiás Velho
Monument of early Brazilian colonization and mining from the 18th – 19th century. Goiás served as a development center of indigenous urban planning and architecture of the interior of Brazil and is well preserved up to this day. The region contains several more well-preserved historic cities.
Pelourinho (Historic center of Salvador de Bahia)
A large historic center of the first capital of Brazil in 1549 – 1763, built on the upper side of a high cliff overlooking the Bay of Todos de Santos. The old city has retained its planning from the 16th century and contains numerous valuable historical buildings – churches, and palaces.

Paço Imperial
Rio de Janeiro
Royal palace of Brazil. It was constructed in the middle of the 18th century. Initially served as seat of governors of Brazil, the residence of kings and emperors of Brazil in 1808 – 1889. Built in Baroque style.
Church of Saint Francis of Assisi in Ouro Preto
Minas Gerais
Beautiful Rococo-style cathedral, built in 1766 – the 19th century.
Recommended books
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During your valuable vacation time, you will want to experience the heart of Brazil. Footprint’s Dream Trip Brazil will ensure you discover the very best this exuberant destination has to offer as well as take you to some fantastic out-of-the-way places hand-picked by the author. From the best places to experience the spectacular Carnival to guided boat tours down the Amazon, this new guide is packed full of ideas, suggestions, and expert advice and will help you design your own dream trip.
Brazil Guide
The Brazil Guide is the only guide to Brazil by Brazilians. It is an opinion guide that presents the country in a different way: the best itineraries, hotels, and restaurants share the pages with information about historical heritage, architecture, nature, and arts of the different regions of Brazil.